Gravity Circus - UK 2024 Tour


The purpose of all operations of Circus Gravity is to provide entertainment and learning for visitors to the circus, whether these are for Corporate business Functions or Public Events. Circus Gravity believes that all of the circus events are part of the historic traditions of the open spaces in which we operate.

All circus events shall be staged with due regard to the aim of Sustainable Development, the company shall seek to preserve natural resources and protect the environment.

The aim and intention of Circus Gravity is to use local suppliers of materials and to share the economic benefits of the circus project throughout the supply chain, adding to the local economy in the area in which the event is staged.

Circus Gravity has set the ambitious targets of reducing environmental impacts of each circus event by 30% by October 2024, 50% by October 2025, 75% by October 2026. Circus Gravity aims to progress towards net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. 

Most Circus venues require generators to provide power for equipment and these shall be made more efficient as a priority, Circus events often require heaters and these shall be made carbon neutral as a priority with the phasing in of Bio Fuel as research makes this achievable.

Circus Gravity affirms that this policy shall be successful only if it is fully understood and accepted by the Company Directors, Senior Management, and by key staff members.


The extensive transport of Circus Gravity heavy goods trucks where achievable will run on Bio Diesel. Any Bio Diesel used by Circus Gravity is supplied from a United Kingdom supplier.


Generators normally run from 7am until midnight only. Electricity at other times is from storage for example a rechargeable battery.


As well as being a business, Circus Gravity is also a living place. Each accommodation unit at the Circus as it tours may be considered a “household”. In comparison with a fixed dwelling, a recent survey has shown the far lighter environmental impact of a caravan dwelling family against the impact on resources of a similar family living in a house; caravans are mobile, compact and heated easier, they also use far less water and electricity. The circus way of life is inherently environmentally friendly.


Average water use of 4 gallons / 17.8 litres per person per day, including drinking, washing, and toilet use.